About Us

Our beekeeper Sabrina harvesting honey from the hive at Bela Farm.

At Shoresh, our products are the delicious result of our deep commitment to protecting our pollinators through hands-on, nature-based Jewish education and activism.

Our beekeepers with the beehives at Bela Farm.

Shoresh At Bela Farm

Bela Farm is Shoresh’s rural home for sustainable, land-based Judaism.  This 100-acre farm is home to Shoresh’s apiary, Bee Sanctuary, and native reforestation efforts.

Bela Farm gives us the opportunity to offer deep, immersive experiences for land-based Jewish learning and living, creating for participants sustained connections with self, community, and the earth.

Bela Farm has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. In the spirit of gratitude and allyship, we acknowledge that Bela Farm is situated on the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Anishinabek Nation, as well the Petun and the Neutral First Nations.

For Shoresh's full land acknowledgement, click here.


A group of people dancing the hora at Bela Farm.

Our Pricing Philosophy

Shoresh’s Bela’s Bees Honey is more than just a product – it is the delicious result of our deep commitment to supporting our pollinators through hands-on education and activism.  The cost of our honey reflects not just the liquid gold inside the jar, but also the incredible investment of time, energy, and resources that go into planting diverse pollinator habitats AND facilitating meaningful educational experiences for community members around the vital role pollinators play in supporting sustainable food systems, ecosystems, and Jewish life.

100% of the proceeds from our sales go directly towards maintaining our 4-acre Bee Sanctuary so that we can take care of the bees that take care of us!

A jar of Shoresh's freshly jarred Bela's Bees raw honey.    Three people enjoying fresh honeycomb and apples at Bela Farm.            


Is Bela's Bees Raw Honey Kosher?

Yes! Shoresh's Bela's Bees Raw Honey is 100% pure and unpasteurized and therefore does not require kosher certification. AND...here is a Letter of Endorsement from our friends at the Kashruth Council of Canada.